
How to start fallout new vegas
How to start fallout new vegas

how to start fallout new vegas

However do no proceed beyond the signs as there are death claws past those signs and can kill low level players very quickly. The Yangtze Memorial is also hard to miss, its basically a massive cross and isn’t too far from Good Springs, around the place there are duffle bags which usually contain some higher level gear such a a Laser RCW, there is also a shack made out of an Airplane which contains some more minor loot. Location of Snow Globe thanks to Nukapedia. While you’re here you may also want to dig up the graves if you have a shovel. The first thing you should do before leaving Good springs is to grab the snow-globe from the cemetery to find it just look for the huge water tower and head towards it, and you can find the snow globe in front of a small rectangle grave stone directly in front of the water tower, this will get you 2’000 caps once you reach the Lucky 38 casino. With this guide you’ll learn the best places to get some decent starting gear.

how to start fallout new vegas

The last thing you want to do is head out un-prepared. This guide will not be about character building, but instead about where you should go once you finished your business in Good Springs. Its been a long time since I posted my last starting guide and I think I should post another guide.

How to start fallout new vegas